Our web shop is growing!

Our web shop is growing!

July 13, 2020

From racks, cable management, complete Zoom Room solutions and custom 1u blanks, our web shop has a great selection of items all in one place.

 - Blog article Our web shop is growing!

We have been continually adding to our web shop since it launched back in April. 

Our mission with this is to make the procurement of racks and related accessories simple and under one roof.

The latest addition to the shop is customised rack blanking panels. We work with you to create the perfect artwork to proudly advertise your business in racks, also a great place for your client to locate your details should they be thinking about upgrades or further systems. Available in qauntites of 10, 25, 50, 100 or a figure custom to your requirements - get in touch to learn via bookings@avrackbuild.com for more information.

In the image below we had the pleasure of working with Electric Orange to create a set of screen printed 1u custom blanking panels which will provide a smart finish to their rack build projects.